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Expression of Wish

Tell us who you would like to receive your pension savings when you die by completing an Expression of Wish

Although no one likes to think about it, it's important to tell your pension provider how you want your pension savings distributed in the event of your death by completing an Expression of Wish. Not only will this ensure your wishes are taken into consideration after you die, but it will also help make the process easier for loved ones during a difficult time.

You can specify who you would like your pension benefits paid to and in what proportions.

Your personal pensions can be inherited tax-free by your beneficiaries and even passed on to future generations, sometimes free of both income tax and inheritance tax charges.

Fidelity's Expression of Wish service

For Fidelity's Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs), you can complete your Expression of Wish online. Simply log in and go to pension settings to find where you can add/change your beneficiary(ies) and nominee(s).

Please note that any new requests to add or update beneficiaries and/or nominees will apply to all of your SIPPs with Fidelity (except Junior SIPPs) and replace any previous Expression of Wish. You can update your Expression of Wish at any time.

This information is specific to Fidelity's Expression of Wish service - this may not be the case for forms from other providers.

Beneficiary(ies) and nominee(s)

Fidelity's trustees will refer to your Expression of Wish as a guide when deciding how to distribute your benefits, while also considering your personal circumstances, including your financial dependants. This means the trustees will consider who you've appointed as your beneficiary(ies) and/or nominee(s) at their discretion.


You can choose up to 20 beneficiaries - individuals, charities or trusts - and specify how much each receives of your pension savings (as a percentage).


You can choose up to 10 individuals as your nominees, such as your spouse or civil partner, dependent family members or friends.


What you'll need

To complete your Expression of Wish you'll need your beneficiary(ies) and/or nominee(s) following details:

  • Address(es)
  • Any individuals' date of births
  • If adding a trust, the date it was created
Log in to complete

Junior SIPPs

If you want to create or update an Expression of Wish for a Junior SIPP that you're looking after on behalf of a child, please download the Expression of Wish form and send the completed version to the address mentioned.

Expression of Wish FAQs

Does Fidelity have to follow my Expression of Wish when making a decision?
What happens to my pension savings when I die if I don't complete an Expression of Wish?
Does my Expression of Wish with Fidelity extend to my pensions with other providers?

Inheritance planning

There's a lot to think about when it comes to inheritance planning, so to help you prepare we've explored some useful topics, including what happens to your pension when you die.

Personal financial advice

If you'd like to talk to someone about your investments, our financial advisers are here to listen and provide a personal recommendation - whether it's on a one-off or ongoing basis.