Jupiter Merlin Monthly Income Select Fund L Inc
Category GBP Allocation 20-40% Equity
Last buy/sell price
-0.15p (-0.29%)
Fund Code
Prices updated as at 21 Mar 2025
Prices in GBX
Investment objective
To provide regular income with the prospect of capital growth over the long term (at least five years). At least 70% of the Fund is invested in collective investment schemes, with typically between 40% and 70% and at least 25% in funds managed or operated by Jupiter or an associate of Jupiter. Up to 30% of the Fund may be invested in other transferable securities, cash and near cash. The Fund will have exposure (direct and/or indirect) of: (i) at least 60% to fixed interest securities; and (ii) up to 35% to shares of companies. At least 50% of the Fund will (in aggregate) be invested directly or indirectly in i) shares issued by companies based in the UK and/or funds investing in such companies; and/or ii) transferable securities which are sterling- denominated or hedged back to sterling. The Fund may use derivative transactions for investment purposes.
Important documents: Please ensure that you have read the Key Information Document/Technical Guide
, Pre-sale Illustrations document & Doing Business with Fidelity document (incorporating the Fidelity Client Terms) and the fund information documents. These can be found within the Charges & documents section.
- Key stats
- Growth
- Performance
- Charges & documents
- Dividends
- Portfolio
- Risk & rating
- Management
Company name
Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Ltd
Fund launch date
08 Feb 2002
United Kingdom
Fund manager
Algy Smith-Maxwell
Manager start date
01 Nov 2022
Fund manager biography
Algy Smith-Maxwell joined Jupiter in 2001. As a fund manager in the Jupiter Independent Funds Team, Algy jointly runs the Jupiter Merlin Portfolios with John Chatfeild-Roberts and Peter Lawery. Algy has extensive experience specialising in multi-manager funds. He started his career in 1995 as a fund analyst for Henderson's before becoming a fund manager for Lazard Asset Management in 1999
Fund manager
John Chatfeild-Roberts
Manager start date
01 Nov 2022
Fund manager biography
John Chatfeild-Roberts joined Jupiter in March 2001, and he was appointed Chief Investment Officer of Jupiter Asset Management in February 2010. He established the award-winning Jupiter Merlin fund of funds team, in which he jointly manages the Jupiter Merlin Portfolios with Peter Lawery and Algy Smith-Maxwell, who both came with him from Lazard Asset Management. John is also Lead Manager of the Jupiter Global Managed Fund (Unit Trust). John gained a degree in Economics from Durham University and the RMA Sandhurst. After a Short Service Commission in the Army, John started his fund management career at Henderson's (1990-1995), followed by a move to Lazard Asset Management, where he set up a successful multi-manager team from scratch. John is a Fellow of the Securities Institute.
Head office
The Zig Zag Building
70 Victoria Street
United Kingdom
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