Fid Multi Asset Defensive Pens Fund Cl5
Category GBP Allocation 20-40% Equity
Last buy/sell price
0.30p (+0.08%)
Fund Code
Prices updated as at 21 Mar 2025
Prices in GBX
Investment objective
The Fund aims to provide long term growth through global exposure to lower risk assets together with some exposure to higher risk assets. The Fund provides global exposure to a diversified range of assets by primarily investing in funds. The Fund typically invests more than 65% in sub-funds of an Irish UCITS fund (Fidelity Common Contractual Fund II) operated by Fidelity which subsequently utilise the experience and specialisms of a number of investment managers (which may include Fidelity) to manage the underlying assets. The Fund can also invest directly into other collective investment schemes (including schemes operated by Fidelity), transferable securities, money market instruments, cash and deposits, and is also able to use derivatives for efficient portfolio management and investment purposes.
Important documents: Please ensure that you have read the Key Information Document/Technical Guide
, Pre-sale Illustrations document & Doing Business with Fidelity document (incorporating the Fidelity Client Terms) and the fund information documents. These can be found within the Charges & documents section.
- Key stats
- Growth
- Performance
- Charges & documents
- Dividends
- Portfolio
- Risk & rating
- Management
Annual charges
Product charges | |
1.90 | |
0.16 | |
No | |
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Minimum investment | - |
Document name | Date posted | Download |
No data |
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