Premier Miton Diversified Responsible Growth Fund B Accumulation
Category GBP Allocation 60-80% Equity
Last buy/sell price
0.00p (+0.00%)
Fund Code
Prices updated as at 14 Mar 2025
Prices in GBX
Investment objective
The objective of the fund is to achieve capital growth over the long term, being five years or more. The minimum recommended holding term is at least five years. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. The Investment Manager aims to achieve the objective of the Fund by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of investments covering different asset classes (in developed and less developed countries) that are assessed against relevant environmental and social criteria (sustainability characteristics), which display a good governance profile and which align to themes with responsible or sustainable characteristics.
Important documents: Please ensure that you have read the Key Information Document/Technical Guide
, SDR Consumer facing disclosure, Pre-sale Illustrations document & Doing Business with Fidelity document (incorporating the Fidelity Client Terms) and the fund information documents. These can be found within the Charges & documents section.
- Key stats
- Growth
- Performance
- Charges & documents
- Dividends
- Portfolio
- Risk & rating
- Management
Company name
Premier Portfolio Managers Limited
Fund launch date
29 Jan 2018
United Kingdom
Fund manager
Neil Birrell
Manager start date
01 Mar 2021
Fund manager biography
Neil Birrell is Chief Investment Officer for Premier Miton and is fund manager of the Premier Miton Diversified fund range. He joined Premier Miton in January 2013 from Elcot Capital, where he was part of the team responsible for managing multi strategy investments. Neil was previously Chief Investment Officer of Framlington Investment Management.
Head office
Premier Portfolio Managers Limited
Eastgate Court
United Kingdom
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