Rathbone Multi-Asset Dynamic Growth Portfolio S Acc
Category GBP Allocation 80%+ Equity
This fund can be held in an Investment ISA, SIPP and Investment Account
Last buy/sell price
-0.46p (-0.35%)
Fund Code
Prices updated as at 21 Mar 2025
Prices in GBX
Investment objective
The objective of the fund is to deliver a greater total return than the Consumer Price Index (CPI) measure of inflation + 4%, after fees, over any rolling five-year period by investing with the Liquidity, Equity-type risk and Diversifiers (LED) framework. The fund aims to deliver this return with no more than five-sixths of the volatility of the FTSE Developed stock market Index. To meet the objective, the fund manager will invest globally in government and corporate bonds with no restriction on their credit quality, equities, collective investment schemes and structured products. Up to 10% of the fund can be invested directly in contingent convertible bonds.
Important documents: Please ensure that you have read the Key Information Document/Technical Guide
, Pre-sale Illustrations document & Doing Business with Fidelity document (incorporating the Fidelity Client Terms) and the fund information documents. These can be found within the Charges & documents section.
- Key stats
- Growth
- Performance
- Charges & documents
- Dividends
- Portfolio
- Risk & rating
- Management
Fund status | Open |
Fund type | Open Ended Investment Company |
Fund manager | David Coombs, Will McIntosh-Whyte |
138.37 | |
124.47 | |
Fund comparative index | UK CPI + 4% |
Volatility Managed | |
- | |
0.57 | |
0.14 | |
0.00 | |
GBP Allocation 80%+ Equity | |
No | |
Fund provider | Rathbones Asset Management Limited |
Share class launch date | 19 Jun 2020 |
£757.04m | |
- | |
1.78 | |
- | |
Quarterly |
Please note that some funds may have small additional incidental charges that are not shown here. Where these charges do exist they are included within the variable ongoing costs in the Pre-sale Illustration.