RSA Pension Global Equity Fund
Category Global Large-Cap Blend Equity
Last buy/sell price
Fund Code
Prices updated as at Invalid Date
Prices in GBX
Investment objective
The Fund’s investment objective is to achieve long term capital growth by investing primarily in collective investment schemes, including schemes managed by Fidelity in order to obtain exposure to global markets. The fund may also invest directly in transferable securities, money market instruments, cash and deposits. Derivatives and forward transactions may also be used for investment purposes.
Important documents: Please ensure that you have read the Key Information Document/Technical Guide
, Pre-sale Illustrations document & Doing Business with Fidelity document (incorporating the Fidelity Client Terms) and the fund information documents. These can be found within the Charges & documents section.
- Key stats
- Growth
- Performance
- Charges & documents
- Dividends
- Portfolio
- Risk & rating
- Management