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Important information: The value of investments can go down as well as up so you may get back less than you invest. Investors should note that the views expressed may no longer be current and may have already been acted upon.


Is now the time to invest in the UK?
Graham Smith
Aug. 28, 2024


How to avoid dividend cuts from the UK's highest yielders
Richard Evans
Aug. 29, 2024

Important information: This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular investment. If you are unsure about the suitability of an investment you should speak to an authorised financial adviser.

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Investing ideas

How to avoid dividend cuts from the UK's highest yielders

Seven steps to check for signs of stress in a company’s dividends

Richard Evans

Richard Evans

Fidelity International

New Select 50 option - Barings Europe Select

A fund focused on small and mid-cap European equities

Nick Sudbury

Nick Sudbury

Investment writer

New Select 50 option - US Smaller Companies

A closer look at Brown Advisory US Smaller Companies Fund

Nick Sudbury

Nick Sudbury

Investment writer

Personal finance

The hidden 60% tax rate – and how to avoid it

The magic of pension contributions...

Richard Evans

Richard Evans

Fidelity International

Will Labour change the State Pension age?

Why official pension ages may change again

Andrew Oxlade

Andrew Oxlade

Fidelity International

Are women gaining more financial independence?

5 practical steps to greater money confidence

Erica Prendeville

Erica Prendeville

Fidelity International


How to protect your cash in a dangerous world

What are the best safe haven assets?

Tom Stevenson

Tom Stevenson

Fidelity International

Is passive investing making markets more volatile?

Should your investing be ‘passive’ or ‘active’

Ed Monk

Ed Monk

Fidelity International

Is now the time to invest in the UK?

Why the best may be yet to come

Graham Smith

Graham Smith

Investment writer

Ask Fidelity

Richard Evans

Richard Evans

Fidelity International

When I die can my ISAs be passed on to my wife?

An allowance can be passed to a spouse or a civil partner

Ed Monk

Ed Monk

Fidelity International

What does return on capital mean and how do you calculate it?

How to measure the profitability of a business

Richard Evans

Richard Evans

Fidelity International

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