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Investing ideas

Important information: The value of investments can go down as well as up so you may get back less than you invest. Investors should note that the views expressed may no longer be current and may have already been acted upon. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular investment. If you are unsure about the suitability of an investment you should speak to one of Fidelity’s advisers or an authorised financial adviser of your choice.

Investing ideas

Graham Smith

Is now the time to invest in the UK?

Why the best may be yet to come

Graham Smith

Graham Smith Investment writer - 28 Aug 2024

Andrew Oxlade

How the FTSE 100 has fared after big one-day falls

Why it can pay to keep calm and carry on

Andrew Oxlade

Andrew Oxlade Fidelity International - 07 Aug 2024

Ed Monk

This week in the markets - investors braced for volatility

What’s driving your investments this week?

Ed Monk

Ed Monk Fidelity International - 05 Aug 2024

Tom Stevenson

This week in the markets - all eyes on interest rates

What’s driving your investments this week?

Tom Stevenson

Tom Stevenson Fidelity International - 29 Jul 2024

Graham Smith

Nvidia’s success: 12 crucial facts

The stats that tell the chipmaker’s story

Graham Smith

Graham Smith Investment writer - 27 Jun 2024

Tom Stevenson

I’m relieved AI has come at the end of my investing career

Modern tech isn’t a quick fix to getting rich.

Tom Stevenson

Tom Stevenson Fidelity International - 13 Jun 2024

Tom Stevenson

Are emerging markets the next great stock market play?

The case has seldom been stronger for investors

Tom Stevenson

Tom Stevenson Fidelity International - 23 May 2024

Nafeesa Zaman

Is now a good time to invest in Europe?

Browse fund ideas from our Select 50

Nafeesa Zaman

Nafeesa Zaman Fidelity International - 08 May 2024

Tom Stevenson

The world is poised on the edge of a new copper supercycle

Key growth sectors have an unsatiable appetite for copper

Tom Stevenson

Tom Stevenson Fidelity International - 03 May 2024

Ed Monk

‘Sell in May’ and other investing superstitions

Is there any truth to the old City adage?

Ed Monk

Ed Monk Fidelity International - 01 May 2024

Ed Monk

Does ‘Sell in May and go away’ work?

We put the old City idiom to the test

Ed Monk

Ed Monk Fidelity International - 01 May 2024

Nafeesa Zaman

Bitcoin: 7 questions answered

Understanding the world’s largest cryptocurrency

Nafeesa Zaman

Nafeesa Zaman Fidelity International - 23 Apr 2024

Tom Stevenson

A sense of customer service is an investor's best friend

The difference between good and bad companies

Tom Stevenson

Tom Stevenson Fidelity International - 19 Apr 2024

Graham Smith

Why have investors been buying Japan?

Does Japan’s renaissance have staying power?

Graham Smith

Graham Smith Investment writer - 22 Feb 2024

Nafeesa Zaman

Investor Forum: your 3 most-asked questions, answered

Cash, risk, and active vs passive take centre stage

Nafeesa Zaman

Nafeesa Zaman Fidelity International - 13 Feb 2024

Tom Stevenson

Why it’s important to weigh up investment risks

Fear of missing out is just as real as fear of loss

Tom Stevenson

Tom Stevenson Fidelity International - 14 Dec 2023

Tom Stevenson

Happy 40th to the Footsie

How this forty-year-old has shaped up over time

Tom Stevenson

Tom Stevenson Fidelity International - 23 Nov 2023

Tom Stevenson

Is UK commercial property ripe for an upturn?

The case for investing in commercial property

Tom Stevenson

Tom Stevenson Fidelity International - 16 Nov 2023

Tom Stevenson

Why Warren Buffett invested in Apple - and it’s still paying off

Apple met all of Buffett’s selection criteria

Tom Stevenson

Tom Stevenson Fidelity International - 03 Nov 2023

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