Watch Tom Stevenson discuss the key issues
Ed Monk invites Tom Stevenson to talk through the highlights of the latest Investment Outlook and answer your questions on what lies ahead.
[38:51 min watch]
Watch the latest Q&AEvery quarter Tom Stevenson, Investment Director at Fidelity Personal Investing, analyses global markets and key asset classes to provide investors with a comprehensive overview of what he sees as the main possibilities and probabilities over the next 12 months.
The full Investment Outlook report is available to download or read online below. There is also a video of Tom in conversation with Ed Monk in which he answers customers’ questions, plus three short clips that focus on specific asset classes.
If you’d like to hear more, there is further in-depth commentary in a special Investment Outlook episode of the Personal Investor podcast.
Ed Monk invites Tom Stevenson to talk through the highlights of the latest Investment Outlook and answer your questions on what lies ahead.
[38:51 min watch]
Watch the latest Q&AYou can read the full Investment Outlook online or download it to save for later.
Highlights include Tom Stevenson’s fund picks for 2025 and what a second Trump term means for investors.
Read Investment Outlook