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Planning and adapting if you’re 10 years from retirement

Important information - the value of investments and income from them, can go down as well as up, so you may not get back the amount you originally invest.

With a decade to go until retirement, many people will begin to visualise their life beyond work.

In particular, they’ll begin to pay close attention to the value of the retirement savings that will provide them an income when that happens - and the recent movements in interest rates and inflation has meant many investment funds have taken a knock.

Market movements are unhelpful at the best of times but are thrown into even sharper focus when you begin to weigh up your retirement savings and work out the kind of income you may have to live from when you quit work. According to Fidelity’s own research, 46% of people say that the cost-of-living crisis has had a negative impact on their ability to save for retirement*.

However, it doesn’t have to be time for despair. If you’re 10 years or so from retirement you still have time to adapt, plan and arrange your savings so you can navigate your entry into retirement. And if you don’t fancy taking on the job alone a financial adviser can help you find appropriate investment choices, model your future income and do it all in the most tax efficient way possible.

Here’s what you need to know:


Know how much you’ll need - and how you’ll get it

What do you want retirement to look like? What will you spend on travel or hobbies? Are you saving enough to get you there? Whether you’re getting help from an adviser or not, these questions are the starting point for your retirement plans.

First, you’ll need to understand what you have saved in pension pots built up during your career, other savings and future income from other sources - such as final salary pensions or buy-to-let property. You’ll then want to work out how much more you’ll need. If you find you are still some way from meeting your target don’t worry - many people are. What’s important is that you act to get things moving in the right direction, making sure you’re continuing to take advantage of the tax allowances and reliefs available to you.

If you choose to use a professional adviser, they can help you with the above and blend these potential sources of income into a plan to fund your whole retirement in the most tax-efficient way possible.


Consider consolidating

Bringing pensions together from different employers inside a SIPP - self invested personal pension - can help you manage your pension savings because it lets you see their combined value easily and in one place. It also helps you understand how your money is invested, so you can ensure you are properly diversified for the years ahead. Of course, it’s important to understand that pension transfers are a complex area and may not be suitable for everyone. Before going ahead with a pension transfer, we strongly recommend that you undertake a full comparison of the benefits, charges and features offered. Please also read our pension transfer factsheet and our exit fees (T&Cs apply).


Get help if you need it

It isn’t only the very wealthy or those with no prior financial knowledge that can benefit from financial advice in the run up to retirement. Having a professional eye on your finances can be reassuring, even if you think you have settled on a plan. And if you’re some way short of meeting your goals, an adviser can provide encouragement and set realistic targets if you need to save more. There’s still time to make a positive difference to your retirement.

The financial environment is always changing and, for example, we have seen times when losses on Bonds, which have hurt many retirement funds, have also meant rates for annuities - which take your pension savings and provide a guaranteed income - have greatly improved.  An adviser can help explain how things like this might apply to you.


How do I get financial advice?

Fidelity offers a no-obligation, free and informal chat in the first instance. This initial discussion only lasts about 30 minutes. It’s a two-way conversation where we’ll get to learn a bit about you. And you can ask as many questions as you like too.

Just call 0800 358 7439 to set up an appointment or arrange a call back here

*Source: End Investor DNA research, 2023

Important information: Investors should note that the views expressed may no longer be current and may have already been acted upon. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and all tax rules may change in the future. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular investment. If you are unsure about the suitability of an investment you should speak to one of Fidelity’s advisers or an authorised financial adviser of your choice.

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