External Power of Attorney
We need to see a Power of Attorney or a Court of Protection order authorising the attorney to deal with the financial affairs of the person whose account is held with us. We accept both internal and external Power of Attorney.
Types of Power of Attorney
What a Power of Attorney can and can’t do
How to register a Power of Attorney with Fidelity
Lasting Power of Attorney
The Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) service from the Office of the Public Guardian, lets donors and attorneys give organisations access to view an online summary of an LPA.
The donor or attorney named on the LPA will need to provide us with an access code so we can view the LPA. Learn more about creating your unique code. Access codes are 13 characters long and start with a V for example V-AB12-CD34-EF56
Please note you can only use this service for LPAs registered in England and Wales on or after 1 September 2019. This code can be provided to us via post or via Client Services.
If you don't have a digital code, we'll need to see an original or certified copy as noted in the section below.
Power of Attorney or Court of Protection
We’ll need to see an original or a certified copy of the original document before registering Power of Attorney or a Court of Protection. We can't accept photocopies of these documents or a confirmation letter that a Power of Attorney has been registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.
These need to be sent in by post. We'll return any original document within 72 hours. We will not return certified copies unless this was asked for in any accompanying letter. If it is sent to us by Special Delivery, we will return it in the same way.
If you choose to send us a certified copy of the original, please ensure that it is an original document (wet signature), not a photocopy and is certified on each and every page in accordance with our guidelines below: All certified copies of documents should clearly show List of Independent Certifiers
- The words "I have seen the original document and I certify this to be a true copy of the original"
- An original wet signature by the certifier with their name printed in full.
- The date of signing
- Details of the certifier's professional capacity. The official/institution stamp should be applied as appropriate
List of Accepted Independent Certifiers
- Independent solicitor registered on the Law Society
- Notary public
- Registered Stockbroker
- Named donor on Lasting/Enduring Power of Attorney only (not applicable for Court of protection or Enduring Power of Attorney registered with OPG)
- IFA (registered as active with FCA) (Not applicable if SL BOND/SIPP Product)
- Magistrate
- Barrister
- Judge
Certification by anyone other than those above such as a teacher, doctor or pastor is not accepted.
We may also need identification documents for your nominated attorney; in which case, we’ll let you know.
We may need to contact you to ask for additional information before accepting any request to transact on an asset that is reportable under the revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (or MIFID II).
If your instruction is in good order, we will aim to process this within 48 hours and send you written confirmation once it is set up.
Send us your documents at:
PO Box 391
KT20 9FU
Attorney identification requirements
In order to comply with Money Laundering Regulations, we’re required to confirm the identity of all investors and their associated representatives controlling or funding investments on their behalf.
We may use an online referencing agency for this purpose (who will record an enquiry has been made) or request the submission of documentary evidence. Until the identities of all associated individuals have been verified, restrictions will be applied and will remain in place until outstanding verification has been obtained. These restrictions will not affect the value of the investment, but may prevent certain transactions from being completed.
Documentary evidence requested to complete verification of identity will be needed for each associated representative and should be submitted along with the confirmation of identity form below:

Confirm your Identity form
Please find the Confirmation of Identity form for you to complete below.