Rathbone Greenbank Dynamic Growth Portfolio S Inc
Category GBP Allocation 80%+ Equity
This fund can be held in an Investment ISA, SIPP and Investment Account
Last buy/sell price
0.66p (+0.66%)
Fund Code
Prices updated as at 25 Mar 2025
Prices in GBX
Investment objective
The objective of the fund is to deliver a greater total return than the Consumer Price Index (CPI) measure of inflation + 4%, after fees, over any rolling five-year period. The fund seeks a level of volatility that is five-sixths of the volatility of the FTSE Developed stock market Index (or up to 15% above or below this level). To meet the dynamic growth objective, the fund manager will use a dynamic asset allocation to invest globally in government and corporate bonds with no restriction on their credit quality, equities, collective investment schemes and structured products. Up to 10% of the fund can be invested directly in contingent convertible bonds. In normal market conditions, we expect the fund to hold up to 20% in structured products.
Important documents: Please ensure that you have read the Key Information Document/Technical Guide
, SDR Consumer facing disclosure, Pre-sale Illustrations document & Doing Business with Fidelity document (incorporating the Fidelity Client Terms) and the fund information documents. These can be found within the Charges & documents section.
- Key stats
- Growth
- Performance
- Charges & documents
- Dividends
- Portfolio
- Risk & rating
- Management
Annual charges
Product charges | |
0.65 | |
0.12 | |
No | |
- | |
0.00 | |
0.00 | |
Minimum investment | 25.00 |
Please note that service charges will also apply. Read more about our fees.