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What are the new lifetime tax allowances for pensions?


From 6 April 2024, the lifetime allowance regime is changing.

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions below. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, we’d recommend you speak to an authorised financial adviser.

Lifetime Allowance

What is the Lifetime Allowance?
What will the Lifetime allowance be in the new tax year?
What is the LTA being replaced with?
What happens if I've used some of my lifetime allowance before 6 April 2024?
Will you still need information on my previous LTA usage when I move into drawdown?
I have LTA protection, does this still apply?
I have LTA protection, will I still have access to higher levels of tax-free cash?
How do I work out the LTA % I've already used?

Lump sum allowance (LSA)

How much tax free-cash entitlement will I have?
What happens if I’ve taken money from my pension?
How do I calculate the LSA from the lifetime allowance that I’ve used?
What is a protected lifetime allowance?
How do I calculate the LSA that I’ve used if I have a protected lifetime allowance?

Lump sum and death benefit allowance (LSDBA)

What is the LSDBA?
What happens if I’ve taken money from my pension?
How do I calculate the LSDBA from the lifetime allowance that I’ve used?
What is a protected lifetime allowance?
How do I calculate the LSDBA that I’ve used if I have a protected lifetime allowance?
What are the other exceptions to the LSDBA calculation?

Overseas transfer allowance (OTA)

What is the OTA?

Transitional Tax-Free Amount Certificate

What is a Transitional Tax-Free Amount Certificate?
Could a Transitional Tax-Free Amount Certificate benefit me?