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Secure your ISA and pension allowances while you can


Important information - the value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up so you may get back less than you invest. Eligibility to invest in a SIPP/an ISA and tax treatment depends on personal circumstances and all tax rules may change in the future. You cannot normally access your pension until age 55 (57 from 2028). This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular investment. If you are unsure about the suitability of an investment you should speak to one of Fidelity’s advisers or an authorised financial adviser of your choice.

Secure your allowances in cash. Invest later.


Add cash to my ISA

Already have a Stocks and Shares ISA with Fidelity? There’s no need to open a new one. Just log in, select your ISA account and simply add cash to contribute this year.


Add cash to my SIPP

Already have a Self-Invested Personal Pension with Fidelity? There’s no need to open a new one. Just log in, select your SIPP account and simply add cash to contribute this year.


Open a Stocks and Shares ISA

It’s easy to open an ISA online. Just enter your details and then choose from a regular savings plan or a one-off payment.


Open a Fidelity SIPP

It’s easy to open a SIPP online. Start a regular savings plan from £20 or make a lump sum payment of at least £800.

Why secure your allowances before 5 April

Using your allowances is a tax-efficient way to save. And the deadline to lock them in is midnight on 5 April. So, if you want your money to work as hard as it can for you, secure your allowances now by adding cash. You can always decide where to invest your money later. 

Which tax efficient accounts could you invest in?

Your ISA allowance is currently £20,000. Our award-winning Stocks and Shares ISA will help you make best use of it. 

If you want to save for your retirement, it’s worth adding what you can to our flexible Self-Invested Personal Pension. Not only is it tax-efficient, but the government tops up any contributions you make (also known as tax relief) up to the Annual Allowance of £60,000, (or 100% of your earnings if you earn less than this, or to £3,600 if you have no or very low earnings). 

And, of course, there’s nothing stopping you from using both.

How to secure your allowance in cash 

Just  log in to access your Fidelity ISA or SIPP account and choose the option ‘add cash’ to secure your allowances. It’s as simple as that. Just remember that you need to act before the deadline on 5 April 2025 to make the most of this year’s allowances.

Remember that Fidelity pays interest on cash held in your account and you can view the latest interest rates here. Plus, it’s good to know there are no service fees for holding cash.


Are you being as tax efficient as you can be?

It’s possible you’re not using all the available tax allowances available to you. We’ve talked about the ISA and SIPP allowances, but what about Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax? And saving tax-efficiently for the children in your life? Refreshing your knowledge could save you and your family money in the long run. 

Find out more about tax allowances